
RED is fearless, RED is fierce, RED is powerful – a one woman show full of film and fabulousness. You will laugh, you’ll cry, you won’t forget.

RED explores Liz Lea’s journey and experiences with Endometriosis. She had the disease for 20 years as she created and toured her work internationally. Returning to Australia she needed a bowel reconstruction – all of which could have been avoided had she paid attention to her body and her body’s needs. RED charts this journey and that of her recovery, loosing and refinding her sense of humor. The work is played out to letters of her Doctors, a range of contemporary and newly composed music and stunning film footage. The audience is left with a sense of quiet, joy and reflection.
Created with choreographers Vicky van Hout, Martin del Amo and Virginia Ferris, led by dramaturg Brian Lucas, the work explores all nature of the human condition – one woman’s story told in ways that have universal themes. Honest, face to face dialogue with the audience balanced with beautifully framed with film and movement.
RED aligns with the governments current focus on raising awareness of the disease and a world wide growing understanding of the need for focus to be brought to the effects and impacts on individuals and the country as a whole.


Her character is incredibly vivacious, highly spirited and nurturing, prompting all of us to
trust in ourselves and in our intuition… Lea has produced a beautiful show, emanating so
much joy and life, which infectiously spills into the audience — Funny, moving, brave and

Sydney Arts Guide June 2018


How remarkable that such a painful affliction as Endometriosis could inspire such a beautiful
work as Red … a remarkably coherent, powerful and moving dance-theatre work.

Arts Review March 2018


Liz Lea is a force of fabulousness not to be f….d with!

Sydney Scoop June 2018


Audience Responses

What a highlight RED was – quite a statement and an inclusive and unique work. It was
everything and much more than I expected. Congratulations!

I laughed in many parts and had tears running down my face in others. It was so touching, so
beautiful, it blew me away.

I am still so moved by your performance of RED. It was such a wonderful performance that
made me laugh, made me cry. You did so good. It was wonderful.

Liz, what a marvel, Loved the show…so honest, so entertaining, such versatility, such
stamina, I was exhausted after the first dance..what a talent!